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tax calculator

Tax calculator for india check Income Tax, Advance Tax, Taxable HRA, House Property Income and Accrued Interest on NSCs


Income Tax Calculator, AY 2016-17
Select Status
If Resident, select Age group
Income for the year
Eligible Deductions
Taxable Income for the year
Income Tax
Education Cess
Total Tax Liability
Click Here for detailed Tax Calculator and Tax Info.
Advance Tax Calculator, AY 2017-18
Select Due Date
Select Status
If Resident, select Age group
Income for the year
Eligible Deductions
TDS/TCS for the year
Advance Tax paid
Taxable Income for the year
Tax for the Year
Tax due on 15/6/16
Tax payable on/before 15/6/16
Tax for the Year
Tax due on 15/9/16
Tax payable on/before 15/9/16
Tax for the Year
Tax due on 15/12/16
Tax payable on/before 15/12/16
Tax for the on 15/3/17
Tax payable on/before 15/3/17
Note : Senior Citizens having no income from Business or Profession are exempt from payment of Advance Tax.
Taxable HRA Calculator
Accommodation located at
HRA received
Rent actually paid
Salary (BP+DA )
Reset Submit
Exempted Amt. of HRA
Taxable Amt. of HRA

Visit Finotax.com for various Tax Tools & Information
House Property Income Calculator
Property is
Gross annual value ('0' if Self Occupied)
Less: Municipal taxes paid during the year ('0' if Self Occupied)
Net Annual Value (NAV)
Deduction under section 24(a) @ 30% of NAV ('0' if Self Occupied)
Deduction under section 24(b) on account of interest on borrowed capital
Income from house property

Visit Finotax.com for various Tax Tools & Information
NSC Accrued Interest Calculator
Purchased on
Completed Years
Rate of Intt.
Total Accd. Intt.
Intt. Accd. in Prev. Year
Maturity Amount

Visit Finotax.com for various Tax Tools & Information